I Can’t Wait To Meet You!

I’m so glad you’re here. It’s important that you interview a

few doulas during yoursearch so you can find the person

you truly connect with and who will be able to

support you best.

I’m so glad you’re here. It’s important that you interview a few doulas during your

search so you can find the person you truly connect with and who

will be able to support you best.

What To Expect In A Consultation With Us...

We will cover everything from what your vision for your birth is, who you want to be there with you, and even what support your partner needs.

We’ll discuss the challenges you’re currently facing in pregnancy and talk about what you have planned once baby arrives.

Lastly, I’ll tell you how a doula can best support you and your vision. If that’s me, GREAT!

But if not, you’re still going to come away with a clearer understanding of who can support you best. Plus, I’m still going to send you a few resources that any newly expecting family can use.

If you're ready to book your consultation, fill out the form and choose a time! I look forward to meeting you soon.

-Julianne Curtis, CLD, CLC, SBD, CNPE

What Working With Julianne Is Really Like

Don't take my word for it. Take theirs!

“Julianne really is is your doula for life. She’s a great support and advocate during pregnancy, birth and after.”

- Rebecca Dennis

“We had an idea of our ideal birth, but she gave us ideas and thoughts that allowed us to make an even more informed decision.”

- Nicole Clow

“Julianne has truly felt like she’s become part of our family and was instrumental in helping us transition into parenthood.”

- Sam Stavinoha Carroll

Hi, I'm Julianne!


Certified Lactation Counselor - Dec 2017 - ALAP

Trained CAPPA New Parent Educator - 2020

Trained CAPPA Childbirth Educator - Dec 2017

Certified Birth and Bereavement Doula 2016 - Still birthday

Trained Birth Doula 2015 - Dona International

Trained Postpartum Doula 2016 - Dona International

Certified Expert Robozo Credential 2017 - GK University

Trained Life Coach - 2005 -Fearless Living Institute

I'm not your typical doula, I've had an unusually long run of comforting and soothing families (more than 20 years) during birth and through parenting. Yep, I really did start going to births as a teenager.

Whether you're a first-time, single parent, same-sex couple, survivor of trauma, I got you. Whether you're having your baby at a hospital with a epidural, unmedicated, cesarean, or pain-managed labor, I got you. If you're grieving a miscarriage, stillbirth, or cautiously celebrating a rainbow baby, I got you.

The journey of parenthood is diverse. It's winding. No matter what it is, I'm here for you. I'll be your guide without judgment (that's not my style).

It not only takes a village, but it takes the RIGHT village. I have had the true honor of becoming apart of so many villages. And if you like my humor and calming nature, you might enjoy having me join you village too.